Blog 18: The Designing Persona Holding Back Defense Sub-type Description

This Holding Back Defense sub-type shows up almost exclusively in women although it does show up in men with a passive-feminine orientation. It gets its name from how a caretaker treats his/her young daughter/son as if she/he is an enticing object who secretly arouses the caretaker sexually, or by secretively seducing her/him with covert or overt but thinly disguised gestures, suggestions, and behaviors designed to arouse the caretaker on the one hand, and on the other hand, strictly discipline and punish her/him for the caretaker’s arousal which she/he unknowingly and unwittingly causes just by being herself/himself.

Your caretaker, in some fashion, did this with you or did some variation of it. Thus, your Designing Persona Holding Back Defense sub-type results from growing up with a caretaker who treated you as his/her baby doll but was also very rigid in his/her expectations and behavior toward you which was heartbreaking. Your caretaker also tended to be sexually seductive in a secretive way causing your lower body to become overcharged energetically while your upper body became undercharged due to your caretaker’s diminishing, doll-like treatment of you. This put-down, doll-like treatment of you was, while at the same time being sexually seductive very confusing to you, and because your other caretaker ignored what was going on, this was equally confusing and hurtful to you. This caused you later as an adult to hold back and be very designing in your relationships with both men and women . Your voice and behaviors are childlike while your overall demeanor, especially with the opposite sex, may be submissive, seductive, and coquettish. Your relationship with the opposite sex may be distant and competitive.

Your seductive caretaker likely referred to you as his/her “baby,” or, “baby doll,” or, “princess/prince,” and may have actually nick named you “Baby Doll,” or “Princess/Prince”, or at least treated you as a baby doll and little princess/prince. You likely responded to this confusing and abusive seduction by putting on an innocent child face while developing a doll-like upper body and a more voluptuous lower body as a result of this seductive treatment. The function of your Designing Persona Defense was to help you ward off having to be overtly sexual with your seductive caretaker and later with partners by being coy, covertly sexual, and a tease without having to deliver on your insincere sexual invitation which was quickly withdrawn at the slightest move on their part to take you up on it. (For an example of this female Designing Persona sub-type, see the 1956 movie, Baby Doll staring Carol Baker with the screen play written by Tennessee Williams.)

If you are of this sub-type, in addition to a rigid back and set jaw, you have the look of a very young doll-like or child-like upper body which is undercharged and underdeveloped, placed on top of a larger, more mature, over-sized looking pedestal of a lower body which is very overcharged and overdeveloped. Yet you have a soft lower body unlike the dense body of the Holding In Defense type.